Search Routines
A search routine allows you to search through files to load the correct code -- various indexes are available depending on the information you have on the record you are looking for. You can also do a global search for a particular word -- quite handy when you are trying to determine which client a shipment applies to and the documents are incomplete.
Various routines are also available to list shipments for a particular client meeting a particular criteria, a list of files sent to customs and their status, a list of shipments for a particular carrier, as well as many others.
Entering Information
Entering information is made simpler by being able to click one button to add a code to a table or file -- for example -- if a vendor or supplier is not in your database you can click a button to allow you to add it for the next time.
Help is available on various levels -- from an online manual, help for individual screens to help on each field. You can add your own help to the program so if you have particular requirements on how a shipment is to be entered you can put the instructions into the program.